The Panic Treatment Center

Everything you need to solve your Panic once and for all.

Panic makes you feel like you're in a survival crisis but it can be solved.

Jim's books

Do you want help solving your panic? Jim has written a common sense book and workbook with his forty years of experience to help people with panic. Click to learn more.

The Panic Attack Workbook

False Alarm Panic Treatment Book

Book Reviews

Jim talks with patients about their experience with panic treatment
Woman Hit by Truck Has Her Panic Attacks go into OVERDRIVE
This Patient Used Therapy to SOLVE a Lifetime of Panic Attacks
Treatment Overview

Test for Panic

Panic can be one of the most excruciating experiences to go through. Figuring out if you have panic is the first step.
The Woodward Panic test was created from 40 years of experience to test for the physiological symptoms, thoughts, and behaviors, of panic.

Start Treatment

People who have panic are not on their game socially. They are focused internally because of their panic and are in a survival mode. As panic is solved, social skills are reawakened, confidence is restored, and relationships improve.
While treatment length is variable, on average it takes about three months with weekly sessions. Our treatment helps people access the problem solving part of the brain so they are thinking rather than just reacting.

Getting Better

During treatment people learn to no longer be afraid of panic. They learn skills to solve panic once and for all.
In a short amount of time people become less afraid and more confident.
Panic fades out quickly. People become interested in other things and hardly notice their panic is gone.

People with panic are suffering greatly but they can solve it.

Who we are

The Panic Treatment Center at Shunga Creek Mental Health in Topeka, Kansas has dedicated staff to help you feel comfortable and guide you on your journey.

Shunga Creek Mental Health Services

5040 SW 28th St B, Topeka, KS 66614
